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In this film a group of women from Leeds share stories of poverty through eight everyday objects.

Find out below how this film came to be and how the collaborative creative process worked.


True Vision Yorkshire were introduced to the Leeds Poverty Truth Commission and began talking about the possibility of a collaborative film.

April 2018


Success! The Guardian and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation granted True Vision Yorkshire and the women money to make the film.

June 2018


We began editing the footage and would work with the women to record narration.

September 2018


The film editing was finished so we took it down to True Vision in London where the Sound Mix and Colour Grade were done.

December 2018


True Vision Yorkshire went with some members of the Leeds Poverty Truth Commission to Sheffield Documentary Festival to pitch the film idea.

June 2018


Action! True Vision Yorkshire began filming with the women to create the film. 

July 2018


With the edit coming along, we had a feedback screening in our office to talk to the women about what they liked and what they wanted to change.

November 2018


Fini! The film was completed and uploaded to The Guardian website at the same time of the premiere screening hosted at Leeds Art Gallery!

January 2019


Listen to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's Is Anyone Listening? podcast below featuring Fighting Shame's director Sally Ogden and contributors from the film.

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